
Chocolate ............................................................. $ 6.00/100 g
   Which includes:
         ~ Cone Bags of Chocolate Novelty Items, such as cameos, cars, dominoes,
           loonies, smiley faces,  numbers, letters...the list goes on)
         ~ Nut Barks (your choice of chocolate and nuts),
         ~ CranberryPecan Bark

*Angels -- pkg of 2 filled with hazelnut cream................... 5.75
*Bell Box......................................................................8.50
*Bow Box small with 3 chocolates....................................9.75
*Chess Board c/w chess pieces .....................................20.00
*Chilaxin' Hot Chocolate ................................................3.50 (min order 4)
*Dove Box (with 3 chocolates) .......................................11.00
*Fan Box (with 2 Cameos inside)....................................11.00
     *Black Forest Fudge Cup ..... $8.00/2; 5 cups/$18.00, 10 cups/$30.00
     *Turtle Fudge Cup................$9.00/2, 5 cups.$20.50
     *Watermelon Fudge Cup........$8.00/2; 5 cups $18.00; 10 cups/$30.00
*Fudge Bites ........................... $9.00./6 (comes in pkgs of 3)
*Gift Box ...................................................................12.50
*Golf Balls filled with hazelnut cream............................. 7.00/pkg. 3
*Hairdressing Set .........................................................9.95
Heart Box ................................................................... 9.50
* us for pricing
Peanut Clusters..........................................................  9.75 / 3 
*Piano ......................................................................14.00
*Pool Table ...............................................................20.00
*Sewing Kit .............................................................. 15.50
*Suckers (many themes available...ask for details)
--- Small ............ `1.75 each minimum order $10.00
--- *Large .......... 2.25 each  minimum order $10.00
--- Extra Large .... 4.50 each minimum order $10.00
*Tool Box with small chocolate tools inside .....................13.25
*Tools --- Wrench, Hammer or Pliers ............................... 9.50/3
*Trinket Box (with 4 chocolates) ........,,......................... 15.00
*Turtles -- pkg of 3 ...................................................... $9.50
*Wreath Box .............................................................. 12.00

* Items marked with * contain a picture of item above (please note -- because each item is custom made, colours, decorations etc. may not be exactly as they appear in the pictures.

Prices subject to change without notice